Winbook TW801 Windows 10 clean install

Winbook TW801 Windows 10 clean install fail

I have decided to do a Winbook TW801 Windows 10 clean install fail.
I had upgraded to Windows 10 using the option to save all files and settings
to check out Microsoft’s new operating system Windows 10.
I have been using Windows 10 on my Winbook TW801 tablet for two weeks now
and the OS is a more finished product than any of the previous unified Windows operating
systems. Windows 8 and 8.1. Microsoft’s move to allow the user the option of
tablet or desktop mode is a appreciated approach especially for desktop users.
Now the free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8 home user and the SAAS or software as a service
model now being deployed by Microsoft is something I am not comfortable with at this time.
That being said I have decided to do a clean install of Windows 10 on my Winbook TW801.

My setup to perform the operating system installation
I am using a Mac keyboard that has two usb ports i an using one of those ports
to connect a mouse. The other usb port I will use for the usb thumb drive that has the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade software installed.

To begin with Windows 10 running go to
Start from Device
Start from USB-HDD
Select language and country
Skip Product key
After reboot
Skip Product Key select Do this Later then next
At the next screen you need to input info
I select Custom Settings rather than Express Settings and turn off all the tracking related apps
Next it asks for a Microsoft account. You can use an existing Microsoft account
or create one or you can go toward the bottom of the screen and look for Skip this step and create
a local account.
user name
Click next and you will see.
The This won’t take long screen appears.
Setting up your apps
Taking care of a few things.
On first boot after the Install of Windows 10
Things I’ve noticed
Touch is not working, good thing I have a keyboard and mouse attached.
Doing an update now.
First Windows update complete still no touch and no sound.
Checking for updates again.
Hmmm? Taking a long time checking for updates
I have now been at this for one and a half hours.

Finally, finished with the updates but the tablet is not functioning correctly.
Many missing drivers, touch , and sound still don’t work. Got a message that the
Intel display driver update failed.
Well this clean install went sideways and now the Winbook TW 801 is all most useless.
I have tried going back to Windows 8.1 using a recovery USB I created but I’m stuck in a recovery loop.

Update, I have chatted with Micro Center online support and was told to take the tablet back
to a Micro Center store for re-imaging.

I will pick up my adventure doing a Winbook TW801 Windows 10 clean install fail with a new post and my experience at
the Micro Center store.