WordPress update 4.4
WordPress update 4.4 has been released and you should update your WordPress as soon as possible.
As always make a backup of both the files and the database just in
case the update goes sideways and you need to get the website or blog back up.
The Zeros Ones website is developed around the iexcel theme.
I am using a child theme and the following plugins Yoast SEO, WP SEO HTML Sitemap, Templates
Next ToolKit, Contact Form Builder, and the NextGEN Gallery. After updating all the plugins and backing
up the database and the site’s files I was ready to begin the update process.
I performed the update using the update now option rather than the manual update and the update went flawlessly.
Not one problem with any of the plugins or any of the modifications I did on the theme.
So kudos to the WordPress development team on a job well done.
Zeros Ones