WordPress CloudFlare Flexible SSL Setup
Setup CloudFlare Flexible SSL WordPress Linux Shared hosting
There is a lot of different information on the internet about how to setup the FREE CloudFlare Flexible SSL on WordPress.
Especially the latest version of WordPress because the current CloudFlare plugin version 1.3.20 does not officially support WordPress version 4.4.2. Add on to that the problem with mixed or insecure content errors can be intimidating at worst and confusing at best.
This is the method I used and it worked for me. One of the important prerequisites for using the CloudFlare plugin version 1.3.20 is that you also must by running PHP version 5.3 or greater. So make sure this is your case. Check in your hosting providers settings area of the database for php version. This location will vary based on website hosting company you are using.
This is a two step process. We start out on the WordPress side showing how to download, install, and activate, the two plugins the CloudFlare plugin and the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin. There are not many changes to be made in the setup but each one is important for a successful transition from http to https protocol.
Then we move over to the CloudFlare side of the setup and create and implement a page rule to force all web traffic to use the SSL protocol visiting the website. We use a wildcard scheme of http://*domain-name.com/* that will force all traffic to use the https protocol.
Here is more information on the use of CloudFlare page rule wildcards that you nay wish to use for your particular case.
The complete WordPress CloudFlare Flexible SSL setup procedure is shown in the video below
using a 1and1 Hosting Linux shared hosting package.
The software versions used for the WordPress CloudFlare Flexible SSL Setup
- MySQL version 5.5
- PHP version 5.6
- WordPress version 4.4.2
- SSL Insecure Content Fixer WordPress plugin version 2.1.6
WordPress CloudFlare Flexible SSL Setup video
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