Well the WinBook TW801 Windows 10 upgrade has begun.
This is with the release version of Windows 10
I have created a USB Windows 10 upgrade drive and I’m in the process of upgrading
as I write this article.
I have launched the USB Windows 10 upgrade tool from inside
windows 8.1 and I’m keeping all my files, apps, and settings.
So far the install just completed its first reboot an now is displaying a black
upgrading windows screen with a progress indicator.
The upgrade started with the tablet in landscape position and my screen has
gone from landscape to portrait display. Displaying 11% overall progress.
The screen instructs me to sit back and relax.
Just had a blank screen for a minute or two and the screen now states install features
and drivers and 35% overall progress. Display is still portrait laying on it side.
Sitting back and relaxing.
Another reboot at the 70% progress mark.
And when we come back we’re at 75% progress and my display is back in
landscape mode and it is configuring settings now.
Sitting back and relaxing.
We are now about one hour into the upgrade process and show 97% progress.
Just got a
Hi there, welcome back! screen
and I touch next.
I select custome setting rather than express and turned off the auto wi-fi stuff.
I was than presented with a login screen and logged in.
Windows 10 is now setting some things up and I’m looking at a light blue screen.
There I’m done my WinBook TW801 has been upgraded to Windows 10.
My desktop is there just like it was in Windows 8.1 same backgrounds shuffling.
I must say the upgrade went painlessly. I’ll have to use it some to see
if everything is working properly.
Overall upgrade time a little more than one hour.